The Art of Godly Dialogue
“How to discuss an issue when we disagree.”
Disagreement is normal.
Frankly and honestly discuss the disagreement with the goal of resolving it.
Detach the issues from the people involved.
Honor each other.
Is this a moral issue?
How important is this issue? – Does the Bible Focus on it.
Avoid absolutes, “you always”
“Well, whatever”
Love each other
Seek Truth over “winning”
Be willing to look for evidence that may disprove your stance.
The Bible is a love letter, not just a textbook of do’s and don’ts
Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Our past affects our viewpoint.
Be respectful. Stay calm, debate in good faith, be careful not to offend immature Christians.
“Wise appeal” Restate the request, state the problem, suggest an alternative
2 Corinthians 12:20 –
Solomon states don’t go hastily out to an argument.
Children’s books: Thinking Toolbox, The Fallacy detector
Illustrations don’t prove a point.
Look for areas for agreement
Steven Covey “Seek first to understand and then be understood.”
Be willing to update your beliefs
Exercise suggestion, agree to switch sides for a period of time.
be willing to compromise when important truths are not at stake.
Attribute the best possible motives to the person you are arguing with.
There comes a point where you agree to disagree.
Titus 3:9-11
Beware a factious man
“We don’t have to attend every argument we are invited to”
“Don’t have a debate when people are emotional.”
story of the tiger and the donkey.
Have difficult conversations face to face, especially if it is important or face to face.